TILT's Recommended Process for Annual Review of Teaching

TILT recommends instructors set one goal in one domain of teaching each year using the Teaching Effectiveness Framework (TEF). This process emphasizesgrowth, the use of evidence-based teaching practices, and continuous reflection. Given the interdependence of the seven domains of teaching, we recommend a deeper dive into one domain at a time as growth in one domain will positivelyimpact other domains of teaching. The recommended 4-step process below includes supportingresources from the Teaching Effectiveness Framework Toolkit.

Step 1

Choose a Domain

Begin the goal setting process by choosing one of the seven domains of the Teaching Effectiveness Framework (TEF). To choose a domain, consider feedback from students, colleagues, or supervisor, and/or identify the TEF domain that most intrigues you.

Teaching Effectiveness Framework Toolkit

Faculty Resources

Teaching Effectiveness Framework

Your department code

Step 2

Set One Goal

Once you choose a domain, review its focus areas on the complete framework. Choose 1-2 focus areas in your domain and use them to write your goal.

Teaching Effectiveness Framework Toolkit

Department Chairs/Heads Resources

The Complete Framework

Rubric for Goal Achievement

Step 3

Learn and Practice

Attend professional development offered by TILT and other campus partners that aligns with your teaching goal domain and focus areas. Integrate new teaching techniques.

Teaching Effectiveness Framework Toolkit

Step 4


Collect evidence of teaching successes aligned with your teaching goal. Reflect on what went well, how you know, and what you will revise as you continue to refine your teaching practice.

Teaching Effectiveness Framework Toolkit

Teaching Effectiveness Framework (TEF) Toolkit

TEF and Annual Review

Watch this presentation video to learn more about the history of the Teaching Effectiveness Framework (TEF) at CSU, why it was developed, how it works, and how TILT recommends it be used for developing and evaluating teaching effectiveness to support faculty in annual review of teaching. 

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