Student Motivation

Motivation is triggered by the perceived value or benefit of the academic content or task. Student involvement and commitment to learning increases when an instructor uses a variety of researched motivation techniques.

Professor talking to student in classroom

Instructional Motivation Techniques

Motivation is triggered by the perceived value or benefit of the academic content or task. Student involvement and commitment to learning increases when instructors use a variety of motivation techniques.

Instructional Language

Instructional language refers to the frequency and quality of motivational and inclusive language used during class encourage students.

Instructional Design for Motivation

Student involvement and commitment to learning increases when instructors use a variety of researched motivation techniques.

Student Engagement

Engagement involves the frequency and level participation: student-to-student, student-to-content, and student-to-instructor.

Research and Resources

A summary several fundamental frameworks and theories that undergird motivation and outcomes including attribution theory, incremental versus entity views of intelligence, and self determination theory.


Click the images below to access the Student Motivation centered Evidence Based Practices, Rubric, or References

Student Motivation Teaching Tips

Help Your Students Develop a Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck, a Social and Developmental Psychologist from Stanford, has developed a framework to aid our understanding of why some students (and, in fact, people in general,) fail to reach their potential while others go on to achieve amazing things.