Office for Undergraduate Research and Artistry

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TILT support for
Community Engaged Learning at CSU

TILT’s Community Engaged Learning programs serve:

  • Faculty and instructors who are developing and teaching CEL/ SL (Service Learning) courses
  • Community partner organizations who host and co-create CEL and SL opportunities
  • CSU students

For Faculty & Staff

Connect with TILT for a one-to-one consultation or other course development resources. Contact Danyel Addes, Program Coordinator for Community Engaged Learning. 

Join our CSU mailing list to get notifications of CEL/SL opportunities and events for academic and campus-based partners. 


Join our CSU email list

Community Engaged Learning / Service Learning Mini-Grant Funding

Apply for Fall 2024 Funding

Accepting applications July 15th -August 16th Funds will be distributed Sept 2024

The Community Engaged Learning program in The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) offers  Community Engaged Learning (CEL) / Service Learning (SL) Mini-Grant Funding. Calls for proposals are posted here and shared on the CSU email list when they become available. These grants, typically ranging from $500 to $1,000, are available to fund the development of new CEL courses or initiatives, or the improvement of existing ones. 

Join our Community Engaged Learning, Community of Practice 

Goal: to create an intentional, semi-structured, space for faculty and instructors at CSU to talk about their Community Engaged Learning / Service-Learning courses, projects, or practices. Regular meetings and touchpoints will allow participants to learn from each other, connect and find support, share resources, examples, and ideas, and improve our ability to create rich learning experiences for students while supporting community priorities or meeting community requests.
Who is this for?

This COP is intended for those running or developing CEL/SL projects. We will ground our discussions and explorations in the specifics of current work and pull in articles, resources or examples based on participant interests and questions.



Join us this this fall as we read and discuss portions of Preparing Students to Engage in Equitable Community Partnerships.

Virtual meeting dates:

Thursday’s 1:00-2:15pm

August 29th

Sept 26th

Oct 24th

Nov 21st

Subscribe below to receive updates and meeting invites


to CoP updates

The Provost's Council for Engagement

The Provost’s Council for Engagement advances the practice and recognition of our integration of academic scholarship and community engagement. As a faculty-driven initiative, established in 2016, the Provost’s Council advances the scholarship of engagement, including engaged teaching, engaged research and engagement with communities across Colorado and the world.

In 2019, the Council introduced a “Continuum of Engaged Scholarship” framework to identify the breadth of engaged research, teaching and service activities moving from outreach to co-creation, while offering a model to individual faculty and departments for documenting progress, demonstrating impact and evaluating performance. The Continuum presents the What, Why, and How of Engagement, conducted across the university’s mission areas.

For Community Partners

Hear more about our approach to community partnerships, ways to connect with faculty and students, and support for co-teaching and project development. Contact Danyel Addes, Program Coordinator for Community Engaged Learning.

Join our Community Partner mailing list to get notifications of opportunities and events for community partners, including ways to connect with courses, professors, student leadership programs.


Join our community partner email list

Partner with CSU

Tell us about your work, project, or idea

For Students

  • Are you looking for Community Engaged Learning, Service Learning, or research opportunities?
  • Do you have a class or graduation requirement that includes an in-depth community engagement component and you are trying to find the right organization or group to work with?
  • Are you curious how Community Engaged Learning is different from volunteering or community service?
  • Are you doing Community Engaged Learning (receiving academic credit for community-based work) and could use some support, or guidance?
  • Are you creating a research poster or presentation about a Community Engaged Learning project? Could you use some examples, guidance or feedback?

Community Engagement work needs many minds to be done well. The best way to get good at it is to talk it over with others. Meet with our Program Coordinator for Community Engaged Learning to discuss a project, ask questions, figure out next steps, or connect with opportunities. 


Join our student email list

For questions and additional information contact:

Danyel Addes

Danyel Addes

Program Coordinator of Community Engaged Learning


Phone: 970-491-1021


More Community Engaged Learning at CSU

Project & Course List

Help us build a list of Community Engaged / Service Learning projects and courses! This will make it possible for : 

  • People to see examples of Community Engaged Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship projects at CSU and look for projects of interest
  • Instructors and community groups who are looking for Community Engaged Learning partnerships to find each other and connect directly

Let us know about your Community Engaged Learning or Service Learning work. You can indicate if you are actively looking for partners or collaborators and if or when you are open to inquiries. Please submit information about your project even if you are not currently looking for partners as it helps us build an inventory of these efforts across campus and Northern Colorado. 

The CSU STEM Center is a university-wide organization that supports and collaborates with faculty and staff who focus on STEM research and education. They serve as an organizing point for small and large-scale projects on campus and connect and support CSU’s science, engineering, mathematics, and technology engagement and education programs across CSU and in the community.

STEM Center Homepage 

The STEM Education & Engagement Community at CSU is made up of faculty and staff members of all ranks and areas of expertise who support the STEM Center’s mission of connecting and supporting CSU’s science, engineering, mathematics, and technology programs for STEM education research, programming, and activities across CSU and in the community.  Members choose to join the STEM Community Directory because of their interest in and willingness to collaborate on STEM outreach, research and education.

Search or Join the STEM Community Directory

The Office of Engagement and Extension: Become an Agent of Change

Partner with Colorado State University.

CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension delivers on its land-grant mission by making the university’s educational programs, services and resources accessible to all, enabling individuals to act as agents of change and together build thriving communities.

Learn more about the Office of Engagement and Extension.

Award Winning CSU Programs

The Middle School Outreach Ensembles (MSOE)

The Middle School Outreach Ensembles (MSOE) program is an internationally recognized, community-based music outreach program sponsored by CSU that provides music instruction to local middle school students. The program embodies CSU’s land-grant mission, providing equal opportunity and equal access to its music programming through loaned instruments and expert music lessons at an extremely low cost.

Campus Connections Theraputic Youth Mentoring Program

Campus Connections Therapeutic Youth Mentoring program is a high-impact service learning course (3 credits) at Colorado State University and a program serving local youth. Campus Connections was developed in 2009 in response to a community request for additional services for youth experiencing difficulties. CC is an innovative core service for youth exposed to adversities providing mentoring in a unique structure. This includes mentor mentees pairs being part of a mentor family (four pairs) with youth of similar ages, exposure to a college campus, academic support, dinner, pro-social activities, and integrated mental health services. Youth are referred from the juvenile system, schools, human services, and many other providers who recognize the tremendous benefits of therapeutic mentoring for youth.

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