Office for Undergraduate Research and Artistry

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Mentored Scholars Matching Fund (currently on hold)

The Mentored Scholars Matching Fund is designed to address two barriers to undergraduate research and creative scholarship (including art). Undergraduate students at CSU identified several barriers that prevent them from becoming more involved in research and artistry. Two of the top barriers were the inability to perform uncompensated work and the difficulty of finding available research opportunities. The matching funds will help to reduce the financial barrier, and a requirement for faculty to advertise the position via Handshake will help reduce the information barrier. Faculty from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Spring/Fall Semester Grants

Matching grants of up to $1200 are available to faculty mentoring students in their research groups during the fall or spring semester.   Please see the application form and the program RFP.  Positions must be posted on Handshake to be eligible for matched funding.  Spring applications close in November and Fall applications will close in April.

Summer Grants

The Office for Undergraduate Research and Artistry is pleased to kick of the Mentored Scholars matching grant in Summer 2023. This program is for faculty looking to recruit undergraduate summer research assistants. Matching grants of up to $1000 are available to faculty mentoring students in their research groups during the summer semester. Please see the application form and the program RFP (both below) . Positions must be posted on Handshake to be eligible for matched funding. Applications must be submitted by 5:00pm on March 10th for summer funding.  Email applications to  Please use “Summer 2023 Matching Fund Application” as the subject line.