TILT Calendar of Events

Best Practices in Teaching at CSU: Accessible and Inclusive Electronic Content

This three-week, mostly asynchronous course TAKES PLACE IN CANVAS. Participants can expect to spend 4-5 hours per week completing assignments, discussions and readings. Engage in..

Best Practices in Teaching at CSU: Classroom Climate

This three-week, mostly asynchronous course TAKES PLACE IN CANVAS. Participants can expect to spend 4-5 hours per week completing assignments, discussions and readings. Consider classroom..

Best Practices in Teaching at CSU: Student Motivation

This three-week, mostly asynchronous course TAKES PLACE IN CANVAS. Participants can expect to spend 4-5 hours per week completing assignments, discussions and readings. Research on..

Teaching Squares Classroom Climate: (Residential/Hybrid Faculty / Online Faculty)

A teaching square is a group of four instructors who agree to observe each other a few times during a semester, using an agreed upon..