Academic Affairs - Learning Programs

Online Course-Related Tools and Resouces


A careful Web search will turn up many academic tools and resources from highly regarded colleges and universities all over the world. Don’t be shy about using them. Below is a compilation of course-related material from around the Web for use by Colorado State University students.

Just remember, the resources on these sites were designed for specific courses at other universities, and may be slightly different than the content in your courses at CSU.

When studying, always cross-reference these and other web resources with your own class materials, notes and textbooks. If in doubt about the usefulness of a web resource, ask your professor.

Major Source Directories

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology – A free publication of MIT course materials reflecting almost all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT. Major subjects listed in sidebar.
  • Khan Academy – Over 3,200 videos. From arithmetic to physics, from finance to history, Khan Academy has hundreds of skills to practice what you want, when you want and, all at your own pace.
  • UNM Center for Academic and Program Support – a directory of online learning and teaching materials.

Subject Specific Resources

Anatomy and Physiology





Art History

CSU Art History Writing Guidelines– How to write an Art History paper at CSU



