Academic Honesty and Integrity

The (Near) Definitive List of AI Syllabus Statements

I’ve written previously about the importance of having an AI syllabus statement and what elements make a strong one. You can find that here (LINK). 

However, a resource compiling AI-related syllabus statements from across higher education was recently shared on the Pod Network and it was just too helpful to not share. The value, I think, is that it contains all kinds of statements for all kinds of courses. Credit goes to Lance Eaton for putting this together. You can find it linked below. 

A peach on an orchard branch, impressionistic style, warm tones
Academic Integrity

The Coming Homework Apocalypse

Professor and writer Ethan Mollick (Wharton School, UPenn) recently published a succinct and clear-eyed appraisal of what educators will face this fall as Generative AI

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